hen asked about their favorite part of the conference, the girls were eager to share that they enjoyed being able to make new friends, gain more knowledge on how to take care of themselves, receive mentorship, and eat good food.
These are a few specific reflections that came from some of the scholars:
“The dignity kits have really helped me, especially the pads. These are things that our parents can’t afford and I am very grateful to receive them. The school fees I have received have been helping keep me in school and there is no class I have missed. Lastly, the mentorship we have received during this conference has helped us gain understanding on things we didn’t know and given us hope in areas we had given up.” - Jackline Timamoi, form 4 student

“I’m so happy to have interacted with the other girls, learned new games and gained so much knowledge on things we didn’t know. I have learned how to overcome peer pressure and maintain personal hygiene. I wish we had the seminar for one whole week!” - Angel Mereso, form 3 student

“I really enjoyed the lessons we had and the opportunity to have our questions answered. The games we played, new friends we made, and meeting the facilitators were some of my highlights.” - Charity Nekapi, form 4 student

This part of the long holiday is not just a highlight for the students but our whole office. To come together, deepen the bonds of community and gain motivation for the year ahead is refreshing and worthwhile.