n August 14-16 our Kenya Team hosted the inaugural Eng'ape Leadership Summit. The University Scholars who attended were able to attend sessions on the 'Dynamics of Personal Excellence', Budgeting and Personal Finance, Sexuality and Relationships, The Digital Age and Networking, and Pursuing a Bright Future. Speakers from across the Kajiado community were able to spend time with the girls and instill the importance of believing in themselves and striving for a better future!

Here is Education Coordinator, Makena Mugambi's view of her time at the summit!
"After weeks of planning and preparation, the Eng'ape Leadership Summit week had finally arrived. I was so excited to be able to meet the girls I had so fondly heard about! The purpose of our gathering was to build community among the 2023 scholarship applicants, empower the university girls as leaders of tomorrow, and have fun. Had you been in the room, you would have been as inspired as I was. There were aspiring engineers, hair stylists, nurses, computer scientists, journalists, and more. As the girls trickled in on Monday afternoon, I couldn’t help but be amazed at the efforts of The Humanity Share education program to see these young ladies succeed at this stage of life.
To open the conference, Pastor John Kiroka shared the value of excellence in one’s life. He challenged the girls to pursue excellence not just in their studies, but in their character and lifestyle. This keynote speech set a great theme and tone for the following sessions. I had the honor of teaching a session on writing a CV and making a personal budget. For many of the girls, they are at a point in their college/university journey where they need to do internships, and gaining this practical resource was something they had indicated in their applications as a need. With this perspective in mind, I made the session as interactive as possible and used the knowledge they had to help shape how they should move forward in these two areas."