ithin the last few months, Kajiado Town has benefitted from our recently built borehole. The fresh water provided by the borehole along with the heavy rains have contributed to a consistent supply of water for the community in Kajiado. Our goal with each of the boreholes we build is to provide accessible and affordable water to the community, creating a sustainable solution to the pressing water crisis. With the establishment of this new borehole in Kajiado, we are hopeful to see the accomplishment of this goal.

To govern and supervise the borehole site, a committee of 11 members was created. The role of the committee will be to oversee the management and employment surrounding the borehole, collect revenue that will be used for any needed repairs and upkeep, provide regular updates to our Kenya team from the community, and to understand the water market. These members were selected from the AIC church at Shapashina, local leadership in Kajiado town, and trusted neighbors in the area. Our Kenya team, together with two facilitators from the Water Research Institute and County Water Department in Kajiado, met for three days last week to train the newly appointed committee members. The purpose of the training was to teach proper governance of the site, the mechanism of the borehole and how to maintain its functionality, technical skills and how to control the funds collected from the water purchases.
Michael Ndambuki from our Kenya team said,
“The training was successful, and it was good for our team to meet with the members concerning this borehole and the sustenance it is bringing to the community.”
The water committee will be meeting regularly each month and convene for training twice a year.