enay Saenik's high school and university education was funded through The Humanity Share. In December 2022 Renay graduated university with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Computer Science. Since then she has secured her first job working at a nonprofit that serves youth in her community. Renay's dedication to her education has inspired us as well as her entire community. Below she shares about the impact education has had on her life and her hope for other girls just like her. Her life is a testimony to the impact created when we invest in girls.
"My education journey is a journey I knew I would take however, I was not sure if it would have a beautiful ending. I have much appreciation to God that The Humanity Share came my way. You helped with my school fees including completion of my Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science. At the moment, I am specializing in data science, data analytics, and machine learning. I am glad that through The Humanity Share I learned computer skills that qualify me for many jobs in tech.
I hope that The Humanity Share will continue investing in girls like me. Regardless of our backgrounds, we can make a difference. I believe that a vision begins in the heart and when it gets the necessary support and resources, the vision becomes a reality.
I hope that The Humanity Share will continue investing in girls like me. Regardless of our backgrounds, we can make a difference.

It has been a joy to my family to see me completing my first degree. In my family, even my big extended family, I am the first person to graduate with a bachelor's degree. They see hope in me. They are proud of me. I am thankful to God that education wise, most students have the urge to reach where I have reached.
I believe it was God’s touch from heaven that sent The Humanity Share into my life. If it was not for them, where would these role models have come from? As the first born, my family puts so much hope in me. I am trusting God that I will help my family and raise their standard of living. My father always says he believes in me. That he sees potential in me that is equal to a man's ability. In the Maasai community, men are supposed to be superior. His words and trust in me as a girl keep me going.
My father always says he believes in me. That he sees potential in me that is equal to a man's ability.
My community is proud of me. They give me platforms to talk to other students as well as to the youth. We motivate each other. I am glad so many of them are realizing their potential as well. In my church, I managed to hold a forum where I talked to parents, youth, pastors and children. I facilitated conversation around the importance of good communication and going back to strong family structures. My goal was to revive togetherness and love. This can greatly impact generations to come. Just like in the bible when Timothy was told he was sharing in his grandmother Lois’ grace.
The Humanity Share gave me a chance to be equipped. I want to follow in their steps and touch a soul. I want to make someone smile the way The Humanity Share has made me smile throughout my life.
My intention is to give back to my society. I would like to help secure funding to drill boreholes to curb water shortages in different parts of Kajiado that I have been to. I would like to enable women to have income generating activities to empower them. I want to help women in my society, especially widows, as they go through a lot. My heart is always heavy when they are on my mind. The Humanity Share gave me a chance to be equipped. I want to follow in their steps and touch a soul. I want to make someone smile the way The Humanity Share has made me smile throughout my life. I will be glad if The Humanity Share continues to help more girls. You are really impacting our lives. May God provide you with more always. In the future, Kajiado, Pokot, and Ethiopia will have more Humanity Share scholars unleashing their potential to impact their community."
You can invest in a girl just like Renay by committing to $47 a month. Give a one time gift or set up a monthly donation to support our 100 Girls 100 Futures campaign and help us send 100 girls to high school in 2023. https://ths-give.org/education