on Kozesky has joined our team as our new Director of Development! Jon will be focused on developing and implementing a fundraising strategy that will allow us to serve more communities in East Africa! He will also serve as our Interim CEO from December 1-June 1 while our CEO, Kait TenHarmsel, is out on leave.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Jon lives in Washington DC and brings over a decade of fundraising experience spanning from political campaigns to over 100 nonprofits. At the core of his efforts is a desire to build a better world environmentally and socially.⠀⠀⠀⠀
I am filled with excitement to be a part of The Humanity Share and join in this incredible mission throughout East Africa. With a career in fundraising, I look forward to sharing our goals and accomplishments with individual and institutional donors who can help us realize exponential growth in our humanitarian efforts throughout the region. - Jon Kozesky